Irrec allows you to build, match, and generate regular expressions with a functional API.
The name is a shameless rip-off of irreg, which this library was inspired by. The rec
in irrec
originall came from rec
ursion schemes. The current version does not use recursion schemes and is based off of the Haskell regex-applicative library.
creating regular expressions
import ceedubs.irrec.regex._, char._
import ceedubs.irrec.parse.{regex => r}
import ceedubs.irrec.regex.Greediness._
import cats.implicits._
sealed abstract class Mood
case object Happy extends Mood
case object Tired extends Mood
case object Feisty extends Mood
case class Animals(count: Int, mood: Mood, kind: String)
// RegexC is a regular expression that matches against a sequence of input `C`haracters
val animal: RegexC[String] = r("(b|c|r|gn)at")
val mood: RegexC[Mood] = r("happy").as[Mood](Happy) | r("tired").as(Tired) |
val animalsR: RegexC[Animals] =
(digit <* horizontalWhitespaceChar.repeat(1, Some(2), Greedy),
mood <* horizontalWhitespaceChar.repeat(1, Some(2), NonGreedy),
animal <* r("s?")
// res0: String = "[0-9][\\t\\u0020]{1,2}(happy|tired|feisty)[\\t\\u0020]{1,2}?(b|c|r|gn)ats?"
parsing with a regular expression
val animals: ParseState[Char, Animals] = animalsR.compile
animals.parseOnlyS("1 tired bat")
// res1: Option[Animals] = Some(
// value = Animals(count = 1, mood = Tired, kind = "bat")
// )
animals.parseOnlyS("7 feisty cats")
// res2: Option[Animals] = Some(
// value = Animals(count = 7, mood = Feisty, kind = "cat")
// )
animals.parseOnlyS("3 expensive toasters")
// res3: Option[Animals] = None
generating data that matches a regular expression
import ceedubs.irrec.regex.gen.CharRegexGen.genRegexMatchingString
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalacheck.rng.Seed
val phraseGen: Gen[String] = genRegexMatchingString(animalsR)
Gen.listOfN(3, phraseGen).apply(Gen.Parameters.default, Seed(79813L))
// res4: Option[List[String]] = Some(
// value = List("0\ttired\tcats", "6 feisty gnat", "1 tired\tcat")
// )